O Queen of Mothers! In their hour of need 
Help these, our mothers wracked by grief and care; 
Whose loving hearts are torn by hate and greed 
And are left bleeding on life's cruel stair.

You who have known the greatest sacrifice, 
And yet knew solace in your hour of pain, 
Could see beyond the cross, to Paradise - 
That this, your grief would not be borne in vain.

See how these human mothers stand in dread 
As cannon roar, and death drops from the blue! 
O place Thy hand in blessing on each head, 
As hope and faith are all but lost to view! 
Let them know peace of soul, and let each heart - 
Though loved ones pass, and are not seen again - 
Know that each son has played a noble part; 
That peace will come; that truth is not in vain! 

Samuel J. Allard 
Cyril Robert. Our Lady's Praise in Poetry. 

Poughkeepsie, New York: Marist Press, 1944.
TO MARY, QUEEN OF PEACE TO MARY, QUEEN OF PEACE Reviewed by utilidadepublica on 18:24 Rating: 5

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